1:1 PILATES Training

what is Pilates?

Pilates is a form of exercise that strengthens the body with an emphasis on core activation and breathing. The exercises promote overall muscular control and efficiency with a focus on the deeper core muscles. The breath is an integral part of overall body functioning, increasing volume capacity, oxygenation, and other physiological changes, such as helping the circulatory system nourish all the tissues while carrying away metabolic waste. Whole body health refers to the development of the body, the mind, and the spirit in complete coordination with each other. We must constantly strive to acquire strong, healthy bodies and develop our minds to achieve this. One of the major results of Pilates practice is gaining the mastery of the mind over the control of your body. Pilates movement principles consist of whole body health, breathing, balanced muscle development, concentration, control, centering, precision, and rhythm.


What is pilates good for?

  • Sports Injuries

  • Pre and Post-Surgical Conditions

  • Neck/Back Pain

  • Osteoporosis and Scoliosis

  • Prenatal and Postnatal

  • Balance Disorders

  • Improving Health and Fitness



    Our initial sessions will be dedicated to assessing your current wellness and creating a personalized plan to fit your unique needs and goals.


    Everyone has pain points when it comes to achieving full body wellness. I’ll work closely with you to help identify and overcome your triggers.


    Because achieving wellness is more than just exercise and bodywork, I’ll be guiding you toward other helpful practices, such as mindfulness training, neuromuscular therapy, and more.